Step To Accept 2020 supporting GiGi's Playhouse Down Syndrome Achievement Centers

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Congratulations! You are one step closer to helping us change the world! Next, you need to register, step and spread the message with your friends! What better way to keep off the quarantine 15 while committing to help others and challenging your friends, family and co-workers to do the same?
TOGETHER we will be making history as 60 GiGi’s Playhouse locations and startups unite on June 6th to take 7 million Steps to Accept across America. With your help we can reach our goal of 50 million steps for Global Acceptance and Step to Accept across the world!
Every step you take, and every dollar you raise, will say “I can and will accept you as you are!” Now let’s get steppin!
The GiGi’s Playhouse network of 60 locations and startups was hit hard with the cancellation of over 50 GiGi’s events due to Covid19. On top of that we had to suspend 4,400 hours a week of FREE therapeutic and educational programs to our families. Our families and playhouses were devastated, but GiGi’s bounced back.
Within days of shutdown the GiGi’s team launched GiGi’s at Home Virtual Programming. The site now offers nearly 100 LIVE and On Demand programs, plus lesson plans, resources and support. We are serving families where they are today, in their homes.
Please help us with our mission to change the way the world sees Down syndrome and send a Global mission of acceptance for all!
Every step matters because every life matters. Who or what will you step for?
A message from Nancy and "The GiGi"
Thank you to our Sponsors!