Simi Valley Believe In Our Build supporting GiGi's Playhouse Simi Valley

This is for you Elena, your friends and all who have Down syndrome. We see you and we will continue to make the world see you!
Gigis playhouse is exactly what our community needs and what Elena, our family and our friends deserve. A place to connect, support, receive services and bring our community together. Gigis playhouse Simi Valley will help change the way a person with Down syndrome is viewed in today's society.
Hours after Elena was born her pediatrician came into our room to meet her and do the routine newborn physical. As he was leaving he told me he would run some blood test on her, I okayed whatever was needed, thinking it was the normal stuff they do and then very breezy added he wanted to test her for Trisomy 21. At that time I had no idea what that was and clueless said "ok sure ". I thought nothing of that, especially being a new mom. Then he proceeded to say it was for Down syndrome. I don't think it even had registered what those words even meant. I again just said "ok" very confused and he said he would let me know and see us for a follow up. I immediately went on my phone to google Down syndrome. The outdated photos and information that first popped up send my heart into my stomach. I didn't understand why this was happening to us. From a super young age I had always dreamt of being a mom. It was my absolute one thing I knew I had to do. I have always loved babies and kids, I loved babysitting my cousins and neighbors when I was old enough. The best was when I got the opportunity in High school to volunteer as my elective and help in Mrs Aldersons kindergarten class at Walnut Elementary. I still have notes that class made me. So now finally it was happening I was a mom. My dream came true when I had Elena, but I was brought back into reality and hit by my phone with the internet. I read through many different websites and kept getting crushed seeing what they said her life would become. She was immediately limited by society from the day she was born. We left the hospital with no information on DS, no support to all of my questions. Of course she had all the typical "DS markers" I could see. Days later as I was getting ready to leave for her follow up her pediatrician called me, he proceeded to confirm her blood work came back and it was indeed positive for DS. I remember that ride to the doctors office and I felt out of body. Once our appointment was over and some of my concerns were answered I left still feeling like I was alone. Fast forward Elena did lots of milestones on time and then there were some that I could tell were harder and took her more to accomplish. If she was one word it would be and still is determined. We didn't get early intervention or therapy until I started connecting through Facebook to other support groups and so many we're talking about it. I learned of the Regional center and applied for it myself. Then by luck, I connected with 2 other local families who had a little one with DS. That was exactly what this mama needed. Meeting them seeing their babies and what the months ahead would be for us was the turning point for me. Those friends helped educate me on services Elena could qualify for and my support pieces starting falling into place. That was my beginning of becoming the best advocate for Elena. I still to this day, have those besties and am grateful for our journey together.
Now a new mom in those shoes. No help, no resources, or not being understood. What would life be for her, her child or the family. What if they couldn't reach out... how easy it is to fall through the cracks. how can we be the change and make sure that doesn't happen. What if a Gigis brochure could be handed to that mom or family at the hospital or drs office. That is my goal, to have a local Down syndrome achievement center where people, families and the community know is there waiting to step in, educate, help and support our community. This is where Elena and her friends are growing up and my dream is to have a community who is inclusive of her and all her abilities.