Kennedy's Cruisers

Kennedy's Cruisers

It's no secret, we are working hard to open a GiGi's Playhouse in Cincinnati for Kennedy and all her friends!  Every little bit helps to open sooner, rather than later.

When Kennedy was born, she was the first person we knew with Down syndrome.  We had no support from resources outside of our family or a place to learn about what the future may hold.  We were alone and learning to navigate a new diagnosis. We want a place of acceptance for all individuals with Down syndrome that will always be there as Kennedy grows.  A place that is safe for her to learn and be the best she can be. Another home and another family to always be connected to with consistent free programming.  A place that her brothers and family are all welcomed and included.  We want that for every family who is facing the Down syndrome diagnosis and challenges throughout their lifetime.  GiGi's does this and so much more!  

Kennedy's Cruisers
Kennedy's Cruisers