Fox Valley GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge 2025

About Fox Valley GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge 2025


Join GiGi’s Playhouse Fox Valley on Saturday, June 21, 2025, at our Annual GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge. Get the whole family moving for acceptance by participating in the Kids Dash for Down Syndrome or 1-Mile Inspiration Walk! 

The 2025 GFAC will take place at the Fox Yard right outside of the Fox Valley Mall by the JC Penney entrance #2.  We are currently looking for sponsors for this event.  If you are interested in being a sponsor, please reach out at 

The GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge is a physical and social movement for ACCEPTANCE FOR ALL! 
GiGi’s Playhouse is UNITING everyone across race, gender, abilities, beliefs, and more because EVERY person deserves to be ACCEPTED as they are. Our amazing family and friends with Down syndrome are challenging YOU the FOX VALLEY community to be ACCEPTING, GENEROUS, and KIND! 

#GenerationG is a worldwide movement that goes beyond Down syndrome and sends a global message of ACCEPTANCE for all. When you take the #GenerationG pledge, you are committing to make a conscious decision to be better every day by being ACCEPTING, GENEROUS, and KIND!