- Online Registration is open until April 23, 2024
You will have the option to form a team or register as in individual
Registration is:
$40 a person for adults ages 13+, an event t-shirt and special race medal is included
$20 a person for kids ages 3-12, an event t-shirt, special race medal AND kids medal is included
Kids ages 2 and under are free, no t-shirt or medal included. If you would like a t-shirt please register at the $20 level.
$15 a person for individuals with Down syndrome (ages 3+) ; includes event t-shirt, special race medal and kid medal.
-After April 23rd, registration can be done in-person the morning of the event from 8:30-9:30am
- Guaranteed sizing for an event t-shirt of registered by April 6th.
We will be ordering a large variety of sizing to ensure as many runners/walkers as possible receive a shirt!
Team Captains can pick-up their entire teams registration packets at the Playhouse on Thursday, April 25th between 8:30am-7pm
Day of Event Information:
8:30-9:30am: Check In and t-shirt pick up at the park
10:00am: Run/walk kickoff
11:00am: Kids Dash kickoff
10:30am-12:30pm Family Friendly Festival and surprise activities