Three ways to help raise money to open our doors this fall!
#1 Join our team!
#2 Make a donation to the team!
#3 Sponsor the event
Here's the why...
"Warrior mom" doesn't need to be a thing - maybe you've seen my break downs, my rants and my rage when it comes to things that we face as a family with a kiddo with an extra chromosome. It's not the kid, it's society.
Many of you ask how to help, others shy away because it's awkward and uncomfortable, but lots of you step up, write the letters and help us even the playing field for people with Down syndrome like Halsten. And we thank you.
In the past seven years since we've had Halsten, we've learned so much. I think most of my close friends have too. Let me recap...*you can skip this part
*We've fought the LA County system & IHSS & won 18 months of back support for Halsten.
*Fighting LAUSD and their assessments and nonsense? Won that too, winning funding for his education and placement where he needed to be - with typical peers.
*Catholic schools breaking my heart and saying NO to kids with disabilities? Found a school and enrolled... but then they tried to send Halsten home when his aide was late and didn't let him use ASL at Kinder graduation... some strong advocating winning happened on this one.
*Private insurance denying coverage for services? Won. *North Los Angeles County Regional Center denying coverages for basic speech therapy? Won and with reimbursement for previous services.
And one last thing I can remember Ds related? Securing $300,000 cash for Granada Hills Little League to rehab the facilities to make them safe for all players - I only worked on that because of amazing former Board who supported Halsten 1000% when he was just 3. They didn't force him into a Challenger Program like many leagues do to disabled children. They were all in. Inclusion is real, ya'll.
If you're read this far, thank you. I want you to know, these things haven't happened without you guys - answering my phone call when I'm working out how nuts I may look, taking me for break to cry and vent, getting me out of my headspace to just be a "normal" mom with "normal" stuff to deal with.
Here's the thing - it doesn't have to be that hard to take care of our kiddos with Down syndrome. There's an answer and I'm working with a team to bring it to families in LA County, Ventura County and beyond!
GiGi's Playhouse was started by a mom with a story like mine. Her daughter, GiGi, was born with Ds, she sorta freaked out (JUST LIKE ME!) about her perfect world being ruined and ya know what? She did a thing. She created a center for families to get the support they need...FREE and without all of the stuff I listed above. GiGi's Playhouse has 57 locations across the US, but is missing in the LA/Ventura County area. Make us #58!
There are three ways to help!
#1 Join us: Run/Walk/Dash to support Global Acceptance for Halsten.
#2 Please donate to his team. Click my name and any amount helps-
#3 Sponsor the event. It's too late to get on banners for this one, but next year!
And we need to get these doors open so we can help parents of kids with Down syndrome get the services and supports they need!
Thank you!!!