Please join us on Saturday June 3, 2023 for the Gigi’s Playhouse Acceptance Challenge Superhero Race! We'd love to see your faces and superhero costumes, in support of Gigi's Playhouse - a fabulous organization that has been such a blessing for Emma and the rest of our family. Race is held at Veterans Memorial Park in Bettendorf, with festivities starting at 8am. There is a 5k, 1 mile family walk, and kids race, as well as fun and fellowship with lots of great people. There’s something for everyone! You don’t have to walk or run if that’s not your thing, we would just be happy to see your smiling face.
GiGi’s Playhouse offers FREE therapeutic and educational programs to help individuals with Down syndrome, their families and the community be the best they can be! Help us spread their message of acceptance for all!