Chicago Celebration Club supporting GiGi's Playhouse Chicago

From prenatal diagnosis to career skills, GiGi’s Playhouse makes a lifetime commitment to the families it serves. GiGi’s delivers ALL speech, literacy, therapeutic, fitness, and career programs FREE! While not a single fortune 500 CEO would advocate giving products away at no cost, GiGi's is not about profit. GiGi's is about accepting, believing, growing, and taking action! However, the programs are not free to GiGi's and we need your help.
When GiGi was just a baby, her mother made a promise to her to change the way the world viewed individuals with Down syndrome, and that people would see GiGi as more than just a diagnosis. With your help, we can make her dream comes true while touching more lives and families today and for future generations to come!
Through free programs and our Generation G Campaign for global acceptance, we EMPOWER families by maximizing opportunities for daily achievement and lasting acceptance. To accomplish this, we must show the world what individuals with Down syndrome are truly capable of achieving as students, co-workers, volunteers, friends and valued members of their communities. Our program outcomes help advance this important goal.
Make Your Special Day Or Achievement Even More Meaningful!
Join GiGi’s Celebration Club!
Celebrate your birthday, anniversary, promotion, Bar Mitzvah, or achievement (first steps, anyone?) by inviting your friends and family to support GiGI’s Playhouse.
Did you know that last year Facebook fundraisers for birthdays earned over $300 million for charity? The GiGi’s Celebration Club can do just that through our own platform with funds going directly to your GiGi’s Playhouse location for immediate impact and acknowledgment to our generous donors.
Each donation helps us change the way the world views Down syndrome and helps in providing FREE purposeful programming to individuals with Down syndrome, their families, and the community! By celebrating your special event, you also help celebrate and support the many achievements of GiGi’s Playhouse participants.